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[ 엘리스 SW 엔지니어 트랙 ] 68일차 TL;DR

by YWTechIT 2022. 1. 27.

❏ JWT 토큰 인증 흐름


DFSW Labs Youtube 강의

  1. once user verified the email, password thry're going to get back a token using JWT
  2. once they get that token they can send that along to access a protected route with passport, passport-jwt
  3. JWT module creates the token passport will actully validate. it also extract the users information from it
  4. we need to add login functionally, we need to accept a user's email
  5. validate that email that it exists and validate the password
  6. JWT.sign include user info, because when that token gets sent to the server
  7. we want decode it and it needs to know what user it is
  8. we also need to send a secretOrKey & expiration if we want it to expire in a certain amount of time(expiration: no more than a week, permanently)
  9. put it header as an authrization and send it to the server, the server will validate the user, it'll get ther user information and use it within our express server
  10. once we have successful match. it gives a token and token includes user info
  11. passport.Strategy, passport.ExtractJwt(extract payload which is userdata)
  12. fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken: bear string before token
  13. once we call payload, find that user and validate it jwt-payload includes the user staff
  14. token 확인 후 : then we tried to access a protected route we first did it without the token. you saw it was authorized then we added correct token and now responding with the user data
